Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Essay Topics About Othello

Essay Topics About OthelloOthello essay topics often include matters of religion and politics. Othello is one of Shakespeare's most famous plays. You can expect a lot of educational resources on it, for example on the various reasons why Shakespeare chose to write this play, which we discuss in another article.The Othello plays focus on Iago's manipulations. Iago is like God in the play, as he's able to turn the conversations of the characters around with his magic eye. In this essay, you will find three such essay topics. These will enable you to grasp the theme and even some of the language and the characters in the play.On the first Othello essay topic, you will learn the reason why Othello was cheated by Cassio, his murdered wife's lover. Iago has tricked him into thinking that he has fallen in love with Cassio, and Othello finds out that he was being manipulated. The second essay will give you insight on the difference between friendship and love, and the third one will help you understand Cassio and his evil motivations.The theme on how Cassio forced himself on Othello is not one of the essay topics. Although Cassio was an accomplice to the murder of Othello's wife, he does not become the villain of the play. There are more interesting subjects to discuss in this essay about Cassio and Othello's relationship. You will have the chance to learn about his feelings for Iago and if Cassio had love for Othello or not.The theme on love in the play is a topic about Iago. There is no doubt that the two masterminds are related. You will be able to get insights about their history and motivations and how they met in the beginning of the play.The relationship between Cassio and Iago is also discussed in this essay. We can get the impression that Cassio knew what Iago's intentions were before he decided to try to fool Othello. There is also a lot of discussion about the possible motives of Cassio, who was arrested by Othello and then released because of his relationsh ip with Iago. This plays a major role in Othello's downfall.On the last Othello essay topic, you will be able to understand why Othello had fallen in love with Cassio, and why he loved Cassio so much. We can see from the play that he had a high opinion of Cassio, and so did Cassio, so did Cassio's friend Iago. Therefore, the Othello plotlines are all about Cassio.The themes about Cassio and Othello in Othello will be explored in the following essays. These will enable you to understand the Othello play better. It is your duty to read and study these essays and let them enlighten you in a lot of ways.

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